The patient is g, h, I, k, L, M, n, and O.
The patient is G3/P1 with a 26-year-old son alive, well, and healthy.
The patient is generally compliant with her gluten-free diet.
The patient is genotype 4a.
The patient is given physical therapy prescription.
The patient is going to take gabapentin 200 mg p.o. b.i.d.
The patient is having continued problems as indicated above in the history of present illness.
The patient is here because of over pronation to his left foot.
The patient is healing in nicely.
The patient is HIV positive for the last 15 years.
The patient is hoping to increase his overall physical fitness.
The patient is holding a prescription for Chantix.
The patient is in complete heart block.
The patient is incontinent of stool.
The patient is instructed to contact physical therapist.
The patient is interest to undergo a liver transplant evaluation.
The patient is known to have now significant acquired scoliosis.
The patient is lethargic and dozing off during the interview on exam.
The patient is less tearful and less anxious.
The patient is living in nursing home.
The patient is little resistant to this idea.
The patient is looking for a local neurologist.
The patient is made aware that we may have to do a complex reconstruction.
The patient is making good progress towards functional recovery.
The patient is married and lives in Boulder.
The patient is markedly volume overloaded.
The patient is mentally challenged and accompanied by her father.
The patient is moderately obese.
The patient is more interested in alternative therapies.
The patient is morbidly obese with the weight more than 325 lbs.
The patient is not sure at this point but has increased heart sound radiating to the carotid arteries.
The patient is noted to have weakness in the proximal right upper extremity.
The patient is now referred for electrodiagnostic evaluation.
The patient is noncompliant to the medication.
The patient is nonverbal.
The patient is on no blood thinners.
The patient is obese.The patient is otherwise healthy.
The patient is g, h, I, k, L, M, n, and O.
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