
The patient is a,b,c,d, e, f,


This post would be benificial by searching the most common words coming in the first paragraph of an mt file starting with the patient is a

The patient is a
The patient is an
The patient is able to
The patient is actually
The patient is accompanied by
The patient is actively
The patient is adamant
The patient is advised
The patient is afebrile
The patient is agree
The patient is alert
The patient is allergic
The patient is also
The patient is ambulating
The patient is ambidextrous nurse
The patient is an
The patient is apparently
The patient is asked to
The patient is at
The patient is aware
The patient is awake
. The patient is back to
The patient is being
The patient is becoming
The patient is brought to
The patient is currently
The patient is counseled

The patient is decompensated
The patient is devastated
The patient is divorced
The patient is disabled
The patient is disturbed
The patient is due
The patient is doing

The patient is eating
The patient is edentulous
The patient is eager to
The patient is encouraged to
The patient is extremely
The patient is electing

The patient is feeling hopeless
The patient is followed by
The patient is fasting today
The patient is following up
The patient is four months
The patient is familiar with
The patient is fairly young
The patient is febrile.



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