
Medical Transcription sound like tips and learning


ziadan 40 mg (correct one)= Geodon 40 mg, started on some biastrin, biaciatrin, bistrin, biactrin (correct one)= Bactrim, localtrol, caltrol wolcaltrol, (correct one)= Rocaltrol septrxon stretraxone septoxone (correct one)= ceftriaxone xaptac zaptak (correct one)= Xifaxan for this. terazocine (correct one)= terazosin, anafenaum enafenam, enaphenaum (correct one)= amphetamine, sl vaginal slender sl vaginal salamander sl (correct one)= vaginal cylinder, cerosilcosis cirosilcosis sirosilcosis serosilcosis, cerusilcosis siderosilicosis (tips to find soon ) tips to find soon it is earliest searched by using Stedman search on headward method put *silicosis you would get the result so whenever you are confirmed with any root word of a medical word then try to it find from Stedman. We usually try to type and see what words are suggested by msword if there is no suggestion that means a new word that has not added in your dictionary or completely different word you are typing and you should use Stedman for best result and add it your dictionary and then make autocorrect what you type when you first heard it. perennial (a term used for allergy and respiratory problems)this word is confused and wrongly written as perineal (related to perineum) or peroneal (related to fibula fiber tendon), Lopid confirm with Levbid, Lorabid, Lithobid. Frenlin (correct one)= Phrenilin when it sounds like word is starting from f then always consider possibility of Ph. forxatien furaxatine peroxatine (correct one)= paroxetine, cystocercosis cystosarcosis (correct one)= cysticercosis thiamine forte (correct one)= Pamine Forte, drinking smoothies made out papaya, canalop (correct one)= cantaloupe, banana. Pristig (correct one)= Pristiq, tikelit tikelid tikelad tickelet (correct one)= Ticlid 250 mg, Anulose Annulose (correct one)= Enulose



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