Medical Transcription Sound Like Words


planafil birefringent crystals of gout (correct one)= plentiful birefringent crystals of gout He is in from packsdanly (correct one)= Pakistan, pantazozine, pentazozine (correct one)= pentazocine, enderal (correct one)= Inderal, moved to adasa, edasa (correct one)= Odessa, he now works as a mechanic on the whalefield whale field (correct one)= oil fields, exposed to pan and enamel (correct one)= paint and enamelsramipraide glimipraide (correct one)= glimepiride, trexamite treximate (correct one)= Treximet, new sense (confirm with )= nuisance, chrisman snic procedure (correct one)= Chrisman-Snook procedure, rubrous (correct one)= ruborous woody facies (correct one)= ruddy facies



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